My Story

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Summer 2019.

I’m laying in a hospital bed at the VA when my doctor comes in and tells me, “it’s time to talk about selecting a long-term care facility.”

Years of undiagnosed and improperly treated neuromuscular autoimmune disease had left me more or less paralyzed, and, at its worst, unable to see, hear, or even swallow. My heart was so confused, jumping wildly from high to low with no particular rhyme or reason.

Had anyone told me then that a year later I’d be starting a flower farm, I would have probably said some very unkind words and wished that person a lovely time in you know where. But, here I am, a full year later after a ton of rehab, chest port surgery, & regular IVIg treatments, in complete awe of how far I’ve come toward regaining health.


So how do flowers fit into this story?

Glad you asked! Shortly after joining the military in 2010, I visited Washington state while on leave before deployment. Who can go to Washington without visiting the lavender farms? Not this girl. I fell in LOVE with those fragrant fields of pure purple magic. I didn’t want to leave! It was then that I knew when I left the military, I was going to farm flowers. For many years, however, my disease all about killed my hope for this dream.

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Spring 2020.

I set up a sizable vegetable garden despite the fear that I’d have to abandon it all once my summer flare season hit. Summer came. Nothing happened. NOTHING. I had not even one hospitalization other than for my scheduled treatments! It’s like I had been released from max security prison, one created by my own body. My mind took off. What in the world was I going to do with this newfound power and liberty?

I think we all know the answer by now…

I’m absolutely thrilled to be serving Maine’s flower needs, wishes, & floral desires in 2021!!!