2024 CSA Bouquet Subscription

Roses included in all 2024 CSAs when available


Roses included in all 2024 CSAs when available 〰️

Welcome to the CSA Page!

It’s time to get those orders in for 2024 farm shares! If this is your first introduction to community-supported agriculture (CSA), you might be wondering what it’s all about. A flower CSA is a seasonal bouquet subscription that you order before the season actually begins. The process works similar to a magazine subscription, but on a scheduled basis (depending on your option) and with fragrant, fresh-cut flowers straight from my farm to your home!

The purpose of the subscription is to provide critical help getting the farm ready for the coming season and covers essential inputs like the cost of seeds/plants, compost, potting needs, landscape fabric, etc. It also helps me, the farmer, focus on providing gorgeous blooms with the peace of mind that these basics have been covered. There is, of course, the potential risk with joining a CSA, such as crop failure, plague (the flower version), and climate events, but alongside that risk comes reward. By joining a CSA, you will be getting fully stuffed bouquets at a lower cost than you would regularly pay throughout the season.

CSAs also make excellent holiday and birthday gifts, especially for those notoriously difficult-to-buy-for folks.

If you have any questions about CSA options or other services, please reach out via IG, FB, or via email at christine@wildroseflowerfarm.com.

As the spring season approaches, I’ll be sending out information via email and on social media detailing pickup days, hours, & locations.

2023 CSA Options Include:

4 Week June Blooms CSA ($120)

12 Week CSA Membership ($288)

Monthly Sampler CSA ($120)

Mini Blooms CSA (from $60+)

Click here to register.

What CSA Members have to say…

“I have loved my rose CSA with Wild Rose Flower Farm. Each week Christine delivered exquisite bouquets of flowers that were a bounty for the senses - the distinct smells of the roses mixed with the other annuals was a delight. The bouquets were always a work of art and simply magical! I am already dreaming of next season’s delights.” - Amy Fagan-Cannon, CSA Member since 2021

“I adored my Wild Rose Flower Farm CSAs! Wild Rose creates stunning arrangements with an eye for color and texture that surprised me every week. I loved the variety and diversity in each bouquet and I learned more about seasonal flora than I could have imagined! I highly recommend treating yourself or a loved one with a beautiful gift of a CSA.” - Olanna Buck, 2022 CSA Member

“Receiving my weekly CSA is one of my end of summer favorites! Its always so nice to wrap up the week with something beautiful in my home. It’s also served as the perfectly timed gift or gesture on multiple occasions. Looking forward to next year’s already!” - Taylor Dow, CSA Member since 2021